Sunday, June 28, 2009

Risk factors for high blood pressure: part 2

Modifiable risk factors:

- Obesity: if there is one risk factor which worsens
hypertension, it is weight gain. The excess weight
means that the heart has to work much harder to pump
blood around the body. By decreasing weight, blood
pressure can be significantly decreased. Weight loss
is one key factor which can help reduce high blood pressure

- Non active lifestyle: Individuals who are not active
or couch potatoes generally tend to develop higher heart
rates and high blood pressure. Physical inactivity also
increase weight and is generally not a recommended life style

- Smoking is the universal factor for most health problems.
If people stopped smoking, more than 50% of the physicians
would be out of a job. Smoking is bad not only for the
blood vessels, but bad for health in general

- Sodium intake. For some individuals too much intake of salt
(sodium) may cause an increase in blood pressure. Salt
causes water retention which in turn causes an increase
in body fluids. Even though salt induced high blood pressure
is rare, one should avoid too much salt

- Stress is known to be associated with high blood pressure.
Most individuals have different levels of stress and should
try and avoid it.

- Medical conditions: Certain chronic conditions also may
increase your risk of high blood pressure, including high
cholesterol, diabetes, kidney disease and sleep apnea.

- Pregnancy: In some females the blood pressure may increase
during the later part of the pregnancy (eclampsia). This is
a serious condition which needs urgent treatment. The blood
pressure resolves after delivery of the infant

To lower blood pressure, one should make an attempt to lose weight. With weight loss one can also have a lowering of blood sugars and cholesterol. Finally, cessation of smoking is highly recommended. Besides saving you money, quitting smoking will give you a new lease on life.

for more on supplies for monitoring your blood pressure, please visit

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